Nt to examine after hours hospital care:
1. For patients diagnosed with a known or suspected heart or lung condition and who require hospitalization immediately, please seek medic더킹카지노al attention at a local hospital emergency department.
2.바카라사이트 If your child cannot be discharged from hospital, make arrangements for a physician-assisted suicide.
3. If you have any questions, contact a medical professional during the hospitalization period.
Contact information:
Lanier Community Health System
Eugene, OR 97402
Phone: (541) 663-5560
Fax: (541) 437-4941
Email: lcnHS.info
Oregon Community College Health System
Tualatin, OR 97335
Phone: (541) 862-3325
Email: ccnhhs.org
Center for Community Health in the Tualatin Health System
바카라Crowne Plaza, 855 Main Street, Tualatin, OR 97306
Phone: (541) 664-4831
Fax: (541) 483-2655
Open: Tuesday to Friday, 9:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m., Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Please contact Nancy Matson at the Tualatin Health System with any questions about services available to individuals, families and individuals with chronic illnesses.
Oregon Women’s Health Resource Center
Olympia, OR 97546-2662
Phone: (541) 847-2700
Email: wwrh.org
Web site: www.womenshealthresourcecenter.org
Salem Community Health Center
Salem, OR 97760
Phone: (541) 664-5305
Email: scc.org
Web site: www.salemcommunityhealth.org
Salem Health Center
Salem, OR 97760
Phone: (541) 664-4555
Web site: www.salemhealthcenter.org
Salmon Creek Health Center
Salmon Lake, OR 97403-2863
Phone: (541) 668-2294
Email: scl.org